“image Physicians Health Benefits Program - FBMC Benefits Management, Inc.

Physicians Health Benefits Program

A fully transparent health plan management program designed specifically for medical practices to regain control of their health insurance costs.

Higher Quality, Lower Cost Healthcare Solutions

The Physicians Health Benefits Program enables you to break free from the status quo employer healthcare solutions and transitions you into a long term cost containment strategy for your groups health benefit needs.

You will have:

  • 100% transparency on every dollar spent
  • Employer and Employee tools to help employees access high quality care at the lowest cost
  • Control of Pharmacy Spend and Rebates
  • Specialized Communication and Education Strategy
  • Multi-year strategic plan to create a high performance health benefits program for your practice

Actively Managed

Each supply chain component pro-actively optimized; best outcomes at lowest cost for the employer and employee

Risk Capped

Stop Loss capping monthly and annual cost risks. Similar fixed monthly cash flow/risk to Carrier programs. Employers keeps their savings each year.

Risk Capped

Stop Loss capping monthly and annual cost risks. Similar fixed monthly cash flow/risk to Carrier programs. Employers keeps their savings each year.

Empowered Decisions

Cost and data transparency to enable the employer to impact cost trends. Strategic Communication plan to educate, engage and empower employees with their healthcare decisions.

Controlling the cost of healthcare!

Reach Us

Find out how we can be of benefit to you!
3101 Sessions Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32303



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